Wyatt Cannon

Composer Wyatt Cannon expresses his curiosity of the world through his music and it is a very colorful exploration for him and the listeners. He takes inspiration in Pablo Picasso’s famous words, “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child”, and determines to always have that sense of childlike wonder in his music

His music is often influenced by the natural world and science. His Clade series of pieces, as well as “Quicksilver” and “Reining in Water” are directly depicting his fascinations learning about these natural processes. As a Californian from San Jose, he especially finds his musical mind contemplating about climate change and the social problems that go along with it, and would love to sometime work on a project about that subject.

Wyatt is part of a contemporary music group called 28/78 New Music Ensemble and gets deeply involved with its educational outreach, concert planning, and cultivation of new scores. In his own writing, he likes to explore a large variety of styles and techniques, including algorithmically generated video graphic scores, harmonic ideas that cycle through a piece inspired by orbits of planets, combining elements of pop and classical styles and music that rely heavily on performer improvisation.

Technical difficulties for Solo Piano (2018)